Especially with my course being practical, it means I have loads of assignments, normally shovelled onto me all at bloody once... and its not helpful when I don't have my mum on my case all the time about revision and coursework like I did when I lived at home and went to college.
So, here are my tips for really knuckling down and getting motivated for all your assignments at university.
- Do not disturb mode!- This setting on iPhones is a blessing... exactly the thing you need when you just want everyone to piss off. If you have an iPhone, turn this baby on and put your phone aside so that you can't get distracted by notifications and social media. Alternatively, put your phone on aeroplane mode or switch it off. Just put it away, trust me.
- Create a playlist- if you like background noise, creating a playlist to help you focus is really useful. I personally find that my usual car anthems or pre drink favourites do nothing for me, and just make me want to go out or dance. I listen to stuff like the 1975 and the NBHD, they're really chill and help me knuckle down without silence making time drag.
- Breaktime!- This is an obvious one, but take regular breaks! Get away from screens if you're working on one, get up, go to the loo, socialise! Have some human contact whilst you take a study break, it'll do the world of good.
- Mindset- Get in the right mind set to do your assignments, you don't want to have to redo this again because you didn't try hard enough the first time. Remember, it'll be worth it in the end.
- Clothing choice- i honestly believe that this is so important when sitting down for a long time, especially with stuff like essays. Wear something really comfy and breathable that won't make you fidget. I love leggings and fluffy socks with a big baggy hoodie. I find it much easier to do work when my hair is tied up and when I've taken all my makeup off.
- Location- sit somewhere comfy. Get your ass on a beanbag or have loads of cushions and blankets, get really settled so you're able to do your work peacefully.
- Lighting- I feel that lighting is also essential when you're doing your assignments, artificial light can hurt your eyes and give you headaches. I find that lamps are awful for this sort of thing, and natural light is the best option. Not only that but opening your door or window to let fresh air in also makes a massive difference.
- Fuel your motivation- EAT! Keep yourself hydrated and fed well. Personally, coffee and energy drinks make me way too buzzed unless I'm working late at night. I like a small cup of tea or plenty of water. As long as you keep your energy levels up, your brain will thank you for it.
chlo x
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