I'm sure we all know what it's like to be heartbroken. Whether you're straight, gay, bisexual...this doesn't just apply to girls but to everyone. Here's my message to any of you feeling hurt by someone really special.
I know it hurts, it's okay to cry. It's okay to tell your friends and swear and call him every name under the sun. It's okay to feel angry and sad and want to isolate yourself from everyone. Hell, it's okay to say you want to set him on fire and run him over with a car, or that you want a dog to piss on him, or a bee to sting him right on the end of his stupid nose. You deserve better.
You deserve better than a boy who has broken you. Don't let him break you anymore. Never let a boy have control over your confidence or self worth. You do not need those toxic people in your life.
Boys are pricks. They will never understand us or what's good for them. I literally think they're put on earth to piss us off...and they do it so well. How can someone be so nonchalant about hurting another person? I'll never understand that. The same goes for girls with boys, girls with girls, boys with boys. There are some horrible people out there who get some sort of sick buzz from messing around with other people. Those are the worst types of people, and you Do. Not. Need. Them.
But listen to this, you are bright and beautiful and wonderful and one day you will be the brightest fucking star in someone's sky. It won't come easy though, it never will.
Importantly, don't let social media ruin your life. Stop watching whose photos he likes, who's tweets he favourites. Concentrate on being the best version of you that you can be. Without a boy (or girl) making you feel shit about it.
Be straightforward and to the point. Be a bitch and tell him that he hurt you, that's okay. It's also okay not to talk to him, because sometimes these people aren't even worth another breath. Scream it off a hill, take a shot of vodka, go for a walk, spend time with your friends who can make you laugh even when it seems impossible. And if you need to throw all his stupid stuff out, do it. Burn it to a crisp of you have to. (Just please be safe with fire)
Don't look for someone else because the best things spring upon you just when you aren't looking for it. Sleep on it. Do your hair pretty, buy some new makeup, take loads of bomb ass selfies. He'll be sorry don't worry.
And when he realises his mistake don't you dare go back to what broke you because I have made that mistake too many times. Never let someone back in who destroyed you so badly, no matter how many good times you had together. And if he doesn't realise what he's lost, then fuck him. He clearly doesn't know what's good for him. Pity him, because if he does the same to other girls as he did to you, he will end up with no one.
But right now you are the prettiest flower, the loveliest butterfly...fuck all these metaphors, you are the BEST and don't you ever forget that. Girl to girl, or girl to boy, you are great and nothing less than that.
chlo x
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