Wednesday, 22 March 2017


"I struggle so deeply
to understand
how someone can
put their entire soul
blood and energy
into someone
without wanting
anything in

- I will have to wait till i'm a mother" - Milk and Honey

Hopefully you all know that Mother's Day is just around the corner, and I am coming to realise as I get older that one day I'm not going to have my mum anymore, and that while she still graces the planet, I should let her know how much I appreciate her.

So hello mum, if you're reading this. Here are 11 things I want to thank you for.

1. Thank you for creating me.
For encouraging me to follow my dreams, no matter how far fetched they may have been. Right from when I wanted to be a ballerina, right up until now.

2. Thank you for doing all the gross stuff.
Wiping my nose, getting rid of nits and clearing up vomit when I was a child. You're a superhero.

3. Thank you for always being on the end of the phone.
If I ever need you, you're just a phone call away, so thank you.

4. Thank you for loving me no matter what mistakes I have made.
And believe me, we both know I've really been an idiot.

5. Thank you for teaching me good manners.
You taught me the loudest words you should ever say are please and thank you.

6. Thank you for making me laugh when I couldn't even smile.
You're hilarious, and half the time you don't even know it.

7. Thank you for teaching me everything I know.
I don't know a lot, but without you I'd know even less.

8. Thank you for driving me everywhere until I passed my test.
Especially to school when I couldn't be bothered. I'm still never letting you in my passenger seat though, you're a terrible backseat driver ;)

9. Thank you for sitting at every school play, no matter how minor or shitty my role was.
Being my biggest fan when I wrote a cool poem or got a good grade. For always giving a shit about even the smallest achievements, and telling everyone you know how proud you are.

10. Thank you for doing a 24 hour a day, 7 days a week job, even though I'm not at home.
Self explanatory really.

11. Thank you for your unconditional love, always.

If you are fortunate enough to have a mother by your side, or even a motherly figure in your life then show this to her and let her know she's appreciated.

Mum, without you I wouldn't be me.

 Chloe xx

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