Hello! Today I turn 20 years old, which I cannot quite believe myself. I know that 18 is like the time when you become an adult (sort of), but I feel like by 20 people expect you to kind of have your shit together. I most definitely do not have my shit together.
I'm still in uni, outside uni I am still living at home, I have a part time job and little money that is really mine and that isn't part of my overdraft.
I feel like although I clearly still have a whole lifetime ahead of me, that I have learnt a fair few lessons over my very brief lifespan thus far, and thought I'd share them
Here we go, 20 useless facts I have learnt in my 20 years of life.
1. Mum is always right.
Honestly trust me on this one. She really is. Always. It's super annoying, right?
2. Don't be scared to open up.
Growing up we really don't know how to deal with hormones, feelings, events in our lives, and maybe serious issues in our heads. Do not be afraid to let someone in. Before it's too late, just reach out to anyone. Whether that is a hotline, a friend, a teacher, family or someone online. Please, don't ever feel like you have to be alone.
3. Never stop taking photos.
Keep them all. No matter how bloody awful they are, you have to keep them all. Make scrapbooks and print them out or frame them or save them on your phone, just keep them all.
4. It's okay to say no!
If you don't want to do something, don't do it! If someone ridicules you or gets angry at you for saying no then they are not worth your time. If you feel like you're not ready for something, aren't in the mood to go somewhere or do something, or just simply don't want to...say no!!
5. Do not chase people.
If someone doesn't answer your messages and clearly have been on their phone, if someone ignores you when you speak to them face to face or is just downright rude, get rid. You don't need people in your life who can't be bothered to make an effort or see you for the awesome person that you are. As hard as it is, say bye bye and move on. They're missing out, trust me.
6. Cherish your childhood.
It's over so, so fast. Before you know it you'll be getting tax docked off your paycheck and you'll have to learn to drive and get a job and actually do something with your life (lol). So take in all the times when you're free, and young and only care about today.
7. Appreciate those you love.
Don't go to bed on an argument. Tell the people you love how much you love them because life is cruel and will snatch them away without any warning. You never know when the last "I love you" will be, so make sure there are plenty.
8. A cup of tea and a nap fixes everything.
Maybe not in the long run, but definitely temporarily. Sleep it off, or just snuggle down with a dink of your preference and take a deeeeeeep breath. Things will never get solved if you're like a headless chicken. Take a minute, calm down and think logically.
9. If you're short, you always will be.
No matter how old you are or how long people have known you, or in fact how many people may be smaller than you...if you are small, you are small for life. You will never stop hearing "oh my god you're sooooo tiny!" or "do you need help reaching that?", or "your feet are what size?!" And I guess it's vice versa if you're tall. If there's a noticeable, distinguishing feature about you, it won't shake. Embrace it, honestly.
10. In life you will cry enough to make an ocean.
This is okay. It's okay to be sad and it's okay to cry. There will be many times when you will look back and wonder what you got so upset about. Sometimes crying makes you feel ten times better, so just let it out. Crying is perfectly normal, and it will happen a lot, throughout your whole life.
11. Do what you love.
Make sure you leave time for at least one thing you enjoy. Whether that's a hobby, activity, or seeing a person/people. Make time for the people and things that you love. Ensure you always have one of these little pieces of sunshine to keep you from being swallowed up in everything else.
12. Don't be too stubborn to apologise.
If you're in the wrong, apologise. No matter how stubborn you are, it will fix a lot of things. Maybe not immediately, maybe it won't ever fix things completely, but it's better than losing something or someone or getting into a heap of trouble. Suck it up, and apologise.
13. Meeting the person for you will come with time.
Oh my god she's 20 and talking about love, she's barely out of the womb. hahahaha, give me a break.
Do not go looking for someone. The right person will come to you when you least expect it. And when you know, you know. Trust me. A healthy, happy relationship will be nothing short of ups and downs but ultimately, it will be amazing. It won't happen straight away, but they're out there waiting for you, I promise.
14. There is no such thing as perfect.
The sooner you realise that no matter what you do, you'll never be perfect in at least one persons' eyes, the better. Perfect does NOT exist! Do not believe anyone who tells you that there is a set ideal you have to follow to become perfect. Plastic surgery, makeup, working out, straight A grades, lots of money...this doesn't mean perfect. As long as you are happy and healthy and breathing, you're absolutely fine. Look in the mirror and tell yourself you're amazing just the way you are. (Cheeky Bruno Mars ref)
15. Don't be afraid to experiment!
Dye your hair, pierce your nose, wear whatever you want. Do whatever you want with your body, just don't destroy it. I also wouldn't recommend dying your hair behind your mum's back, she doesn't like that. Or just turning up one day with a nose ring, she doesn't like that either. At least mine didn't anyway hahaha!
16. Respect the rules.
This one is so so lame, but if your parents make rules, it's normally for a very good reason. If they tell you not to walk home alone or to break curfew, don't do it...they're worried! If they say "don't have your friends round for parties while we go on a weekend minibreak", don't do it! You get what I mean, right? You may think your parents are totally unfair and strict, but they're just looking out for you, and probably trying to help you not make the same mistakes they made, or worse.
17. Trust your gut.
If you have an awful feeling in the pit of your stomach about something that isn't just your tummy rumbling, LISTEN TO IT! Your gut instincts are right about 99% of the time. If the gut says no, listen to it.
18. SMILE.
I cannot stress this enough. Smile at yourself, your nan, your boyfriend, your mum, your cousin or the lady across the road. SMILE AS MUCH AS YOU CAN. It feels great, you look great, smiles all round.
19. Learn small talk.
You will need this. It will take mega awkward situations down to not-so-awkward situations, hopefully. It's just a good general skill to know and have, especially a you're growing up and meeting new people.
20. Learn to love yourself.
The final one. It may take time, it will be frustrating and awful and some days you'll hate the very sight of yourself. But be proud of who you are, embrace it. Focus on the good instead of the "bad", or try to improve the qualities that you like less. Never change for anyone but yourself.
Hope you all enjoyed this one!!
Chlo xx
I really loved reading this post, they basically all resonated with me in different ways. Thank you so much for sharing your life lessons :D
Thank you so much that means a lot!! Glad you liked it xx
DeleteAw I loved this post so much! It made me chuckle! These are great things that you've learnt in 20 years! I did the same post when I was 20 and it was such a fun one to write ☺️💕
Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it 🙈 Xx