I can't even believe that I'm already going into my second year at university (still broke as fuck so no different there), but what's weird is looking back at yourself a few years ago, even just last year or a few months ago.
Thinking back to how I was when I was 16 is weird to me. I was so different, had such different outlooks on life and surprisingly a lot of different friends back then, which partly I am very glad about.
I decided to write a letter to my 16 year old self, all the advice I would give younger me...trust me, I needed it.
Dear 16 year old Chloe,
Firstly, the prom dress...please don't choose that big fucking gypsy blue one because you hate it now with a horrible burning passion. Get your hair done but wear it nicer because having over 40 pins in your head all night is torture, and it didn't even look good. GO TO AFTER PROM!!! You regret this more than anything now because you missed out on a buzzing night. Don't go home to bed, you boring idiot.
Stop plucking your fucking eyebrows so they are literally just lines on your head. This is not cool. You look a bloody state. LEAVE THEM ALONE.
Seeing an older boy at 16 is not a good idea. Don't go there, you are not mature enough and you are way too naive for him. You get hurt. Just stay away from boys at work, okay? (Although you didn't fucking listen to this and did it again didn't you, idiot).
Don't choose politics at college, worst decision of your life. Destroys you completely and utterly and you don't even get a good grade at the end of it. You spend more time crying than revising, and David Cameron is a twat anyway.
Seeing an older boy at 16 is not a good idea. Don't go there, you are not mature enough and you are way too naive for him. You get hurt. Just stay away from boys at work, okay? (Although you didn't fucking listen to this and did it again didn't you, idiot).
Don't choose politics at college, worst decision of your life. Destroys you completely and utterly and you don't even get a good grade at the end of it. You spend more time crying than revising, and David Cameron is a twat anyway.
Your fashion sense at 16 is literally the worst thing I've ever seen, no wonder nobody likes you. If you ever wear a skirt with cats on it again I will hurt you. And you need to burn that "you can't sit with us" t-shirt...seriously, it's not cute. Speaking of clothing, don't dress up at work because on the Disney weekend you will dress up as Belle and people will call you a fairy for 3 days.
Please stop dying your hair blonde and teasing the fuck out of it, keep it brown because it looks so much better. You literally destroy it and then cut it all off anyway in the aftermath of a shitty breakup, and then hate yourself even more than you do already. First world problems.
College is fucking hard, especially when you're only average at stuff. Don't take sociology because Lesley has no clue what she's doing and will tell you you're getting A's all year only to find out on AS results day that you've actually been working at a D, fab. English is a waste of time and a waste of life. You don't need that shit. BUT, you pass everything and get into uni.
You will be in a really really bad place for parts of college. You have the best friends you could possibly have by your side, talk to them more. Stop searching for a boy to complete you, start looking for happiness within yourself before you try to love someone else.
Here goes...you will meet a boy, you will fall in love. You will get your heart ripped into a million shreds and you will think it's the end of the world but it is not. It is not the end of the world at all. You will go to uni and you will get your heart broken ten times worse by a boy you loved even more, even though you didn't think that was possible. This is not the end of you.
Take it from me now, you have bad luck with boys. Mum calls you unlucky in love, because things never last for you...sometimes that is your fault entirely and sometimes it's nothing to do with you. After a while you actually gain confidence and learn how to be on your own again, it's fucking great...trust me.
Uni is the best decision you will ever make, Don't get me wrong right now you're a grand deep into your overdraft and have an unhealthy makeup shopping addiction but you will meet the best people ever there. You will have the best time of your life, trust me. You will get GOOD grades!!!
Straight vodka is not something you can handle. Do not drink it. Add to this list, gin, whisky and rum. Don't kiss that boy with no eyebrows...you'll know him when you see him.
Stop wishing you have boobs because you never get them. Stop wishing you would grow because you never will. Accept the facts.
Stop giving a shit about what people think! Do things for you and don't hide who you are in fear of what people will think. Learn to love yourself because to be honest you're pretty great most of the time.
And finally, your teeth get better. It's a long time coming but your braces come off and you finally have a pretty smile. You should use it more, just a tip for ya. You have the worst resting bitch face ever, fix that.
chlo x
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