Hello everyone! I'm finally back; we had no internet at home for so long so the only time I could get it was at work...I've been dying!
While I was at work I was obviously checking all my social media to see what I missed, and Snapchat was something I checked a lot. Everyone loves snapchat right? Seeing what everyone is up to and what's going on.
One thing however that I did see a lot of was people snapchatting and driving. It drives me INSANE. Here's a short blog post about what I think of people who snapchat and drive...
We all have at least one of those friends, don't we? The one that snapchats and drives; whether its the speed they're going or the song they're playing...the one that is always on their phone and driving. If you don't know who that friend is; it's probably you.
The stupid, invincible people who reckon it won't be them. Of course it won't be them, car crashes don't happen to people like them. Car crashes happen to drunk people and crazy drivers, right?
Whenever you ask someone why they do it, the answer? "I dunno". So why do it? Why on earth would you risk your life for 10 seconds of glory on snapchat? Why can't you just put it down?
What really riles me up is the people that vocally talk about previous accidents they've had and make it into a massive sob story, and then still continue to risk putting themselves into that awful situation again! Not only are they putting themselves at risk, but theyre putting other people at risk. Other drivers, and even their own passengers. What if you have a passenger? What if you lose control? A series of what ifs are actually possibilities for these idiotic people, and they don;t seem to see it!
Why should innocent people die in car accidents and then people who snapchat and drive get away with driving and using their phone? That's not me saying that these people deserve to crash at all, it's me saying its really REALLY fucking stupid. People lose their loved ones every day in car accidents and have to go home without a wife, husband, children, parents etc. and these people get to drive around carelessly with their phones in their hands.
I'd really love someone to do a project in which a fake car accident is posted whilst someone is snapchatting and driving, I know it sounds a bit dramatic and cruel, but how else are people supposed to have the sense knocked into them without them ending up seriously injured themselves, or god forbid...dead? I just wonder how those people would react if they saw that.
If you're one of those people who snapchat and drive, ask yourself why? Why do you need to show everyone the song you're playing? Why do you need the speed filter? Why can't you wait until you're parked safely?
I went to a funeral today for the first time in my life and it was heartbreaking. People get taken for reasons that they can't control. Life is too short. Why would you risk losing everything you have over one social media app?
You have the control...so put it down, please.
chlo x
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