The New Year is just around the corner which is so scary, but I am excited for everything that 2018 has the potential to bring!
- Complete my BA Hons Journalism with a good classification- The end is near for me in my university journey and generally I can't wait. I just want more than anything to do well!!
- Get a job in the field I love- I don't want to end up in a dead end job after all my hard work and want to have a gleaming CV and the best chance of a kick-ass career!
- Start saving for a house- I want to move out desperately and after uni I shall get some pennies in the bank and make that a reality!
- Get out of my overdraft!- It's been three years too long and I want out!
- Make use of my gym membership more- until recently I went to spin every week, but with assignments and other stuff going on, I've not been in weeks.
- Get a new hobby- enough is enough! I need to start doing stuff, whatever it may be I need something to get into!
- Start a bullet journal- this could possibly be a new hobby. I'm obsessed with the idea of bullet journals and want to give one a try to not only get my creative juices going, but to get organised for once!
- Go to Cheltenham again- I loved going to Ladies Day last year and would jump at the chance to go again if I could.
- Travel somewhere new- I'd love to go to a different city or maybe holiday somewhere cool that I've never been before. I have to see the world a little bit before life hits too hard!
- Go to London for my 21st- I really really really want to go to London with JP for my 21st birthday in May. This kind of ties in with the last one because I've only been a couple of times but to very specific places!
- Take my boyfriend away for the weekend- Again, tying in with the last one sort of; I'd love to save up and surprise Josh and just whisk him away for a weekend somewhere cool. He treats me like a princess and I want him to feel just as pampered and special.
- Learn to love my body- thankfully I have an amazing boyfriend who boosts my self esteem whenever I'm low, but I'd love to just fall properly in love with my body. Recently I've had some comments on my build which has knocked me back and I want to raise a middle finger and get on with my life.
I hope you enjoyed this lil post! Let me know what your goals are for 2018! See you tomorrow!
chlo xx
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